[ROM] ROM | AXIOM Patient Zero M3 | AOKP | 4.0.4

It was the newest one that I know of. I had to restore a old ROM. Not happy

It would have been a JB build then. And sorry, hopefully at some point he will put some new builds out that have that fixed.
Just came across that a little while ago, flashed it and everything seems to be working well for me. Will report back later with any additional findings if there are any.
There were 2 versions of pz v2 released. The first one was fine, but he forgot some code clean up and PNG. So he pumped out a quick update that ended up with borked SMS that wouldn't receive text.

I made a update zip for a fix that just replaces the framework res with the one from pz v1 and that will fix SMS bug , but will break his triage theme. If you still want the fix I will post it here, but don't see the point since pz v3 is out and fixes everything.

It was the newest one that I know of. I had to restore a old ROM. Not happy
Makes sense, thanks Chewy!
chewy74 said:
There were 2 versions of pz v2 released. The first one was fine, but he forgot some code clean up and PNG. So he pumped out a quick update that ended up with borked SMS that wouldn't receive text.

I made a update zip for a fix that just replaces the framework res with the one from pz v1 and that will fix SMS bug , but will break his triage theme. If you still want the fix I will post it here, but don't see the point since pz v3 is out and fixes everything.

Thanks for the info