Just for the record, I am still having a random hard-key light up when nothing has been touched. I'll either leave the phone's screen on and it'll time out by itself and the lights will be out, and then other times the lights will stay on, literally won't go off until I unlock the phone and lock it manually. It is very random. That's why I can't pinpoint this error. The other morning like I said, I woke up with the phone on the charger, and the hard button lights were all on. This morning, It wasn't plugged in, I fell asleep with the phone locked and blank, and then woke up with low battery and the hard button lights on. It must have something to do with the the random lights going off regardless of what hardkey is pressed....hmmmm....battery life is by far top notch, but with this button issue, it's holding it back
Still haven't been able to repeat this but will keep trying!
Anyone else getting this???