I tried a clean install again, lag went away, battery was fine, but the dialer problem still existed.
Might just be my phone.
Droid does Tapatalk
So which version did you install? from the first post or my updated version?
Any users getting the dialer FC?
i flashed a couple DX roms on my D2 earlier cus i found out you couldthe fm radio worked on both of them
How can I get the fm radio to work? If I have to download anything. Where can I
Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App
i flashed a couple DX roms on my D2 earlier cus i found out you couldthe fm radio worked on both of them
Ok cool, I'll just re-add the DX FM libraries back in. I'll also take a look at the overclocking script, because I'm not quite sure if the D2 has the same overclock module as the DX, so I might have to replace that file with the D2 version.
Other than that, are there any other bugs in
i flashed a couple DX roms on my D2 earlier cus i found out you couldthe fm radio worked on both of them
Ok cool, I'll just re-add the DX FM libraries back in. I'll also take a look at the overclocking script, because I'm not quite sure if the D2 has the same overclock module as the DX, so I might have to replace that file with the D2 version.
Other than that, are there any other bugs in
Man, my messaging is jacked! I get 2 of every text and i cant turn off notifications. Im bout to go crazy! lol, J/K, but i am getting doubles. And, using the overclock app from the market i can oc just fine
Ok cool, I'll just re-add the DX FM libraries back in. I'll also take a look at the overclocking script, because I'm not quite sure if the D2 has the same overclock module as the DX, so I might have to replace that file with the D2 version.
Other than that, are there any other bugs in
Man, my messaging is jacked! I get 2 of every text and i cant turn off notifications. Im bout to go crazy! lol, J/K, but i am getting doubles. And, using the overclock app from the market i can oc just fine
Run the following in terminal emulator:
messaging -aosp (if you want the AOSP text app)
messaging -mot (if you like the Blur one)
Man, my messaging is jacked! I get 2 of every text and i cant turn off notifications. Im bout to go crazy! lol, J/K, but i am getting doubles. And, using the overclock app from the market i can oc just fine
Run the following in terminal emulator:
messaging -aosp (if you want the AOSP text app)
messaging -mot (if you like the Blur one)
I lied. Meassaging is still jacked. and im having a problem with reception too
Run the following in terminal emulator:
messaging -aosp (if you want the AOSP text app)
messaging -mot (if you like the Blur one)
I lied. Meassaging is still jacked. and im having a problem with reception too
I saw your first message and you changed it just as I quoted it! You most definitely did it the hard way, and there's no telling what the Mms.apk you got from another ROM did. But you can be my first tester for the new update
Try flashing this update. It should reset your messaging back to AOSP, and only single copies. Also, please test to see that FM radio works, as well as the overclock script, which can be used by typing the following into terminal emulator:
Try first without wiping data (it's not different enough to require it)
Oh-No! Now my outgoing are doubles lol. Ill flash the update now
*Swype is a no-go. I have to install my own apk to get it to work
**OC"ing and it says its not found.
***FM radio is a go !!! Awesome job
Im gonna try something with the OC'ing real quick
Oh-No! Now my outgoing are doubles lol. Ill flash the update now
*Swype is a no-go. I have to install my own apk to get it to work
**OC"ing and it says its not found.
***FM radio is a go !!! Awesome job
Im gonna try something with the OC'ing real quick
can you run something real quick in the terminal emulator for me:
cat /system/etc/install-recovery.sh
And let me know what it says?