Widgetsoid notification bar toggles Not working for me
Use Widgetsoid or Extended Power Control. I was looking for a this for awhile until Clouse got back to me last night.
Thanks hellajdm for the feedback. Your screen shows 4G LTE. Are you not using the D2G?
I don't see Extended Power Control in the Market. Do you have an APK Update: (I think you are talking about SwithPro right? That does not give you the ability to add powercontrol to the notification bar, which is what I'm looking for. It looks like Widgetsoid is the only way to do that without the notification bar tweaks from Cyanogenmod.
I tried the free Widgetsoid, and added the powerwidget to the notification bar, but nothing toggles when I press the buttons. There is an option to have a popup launch when pressing a button in the notification bar, but that defeats the purpose.
Is it working for you and are you using the donation version? Maybe my settings are off. There is a section in the "Notification" menu of Widggetsoid that says "Open popup" and says: "Open a popup with widget inside after click on nitifcation. If toggle work inside notification you can uncheck." That would indicate to me that the developer is aware of the fact that the notifications might not toggle in the notification bar.
My settings (please let me know if I'm missing something)
Added 4*1 to a home screen to create a widget.
Added Wifi, Bluetooth, GPS, Sound, Brightness and Screen Orientation to a Widget
Under Notification: Hide notification icon (checked) Open popup (unchecked) Use custom style (checked) with round corners, changed the color to green (since I could not see the notification buttons otherwise) Saved to profile and then applied.
Did I miss something?