Been Through the Roms, and THIS IS IT!!!!!
OKay everyone, first I would just like to say
dancedroid THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK UP HERE !!!!! dancedroid
Everything works splendid, very fast, fastest rom I've seen yet.... The best part is this rom is fully loaded !!!
here is the issue I've found thus far.... Sync.... Accounts..... Calendar app
Okay, first when I loaded the rom everything appeared to be working just fine. But then I noticed that when I added new contacts and then ran the sync....
.. no good.... It would try to sync but just wouldn't go through.
Then I tried to add a calendar event and .... Well.... It crashed....
So I went to the Market and got the old calendar (stock) back and installed it.... (it works now)
Now under settings --> Accounts ... When I hit Accounts I get force close
I'm going to try the Wipe data mentioned above to see if that works, I'll keep you updated. In the mean time if you have any fixes for these SMALL problems, this rom is perfect! :icon_ banana:
---------------------- OKay, Here is the Update !!!! -------------------------
Sorry I went back and read the posts after posting this lol.... opppp's, I guess I should do that first...
Anyways, Everything is working now with one exceptions; when going to Menu> Settings> Accounts> I get Force Close.....
Any suggestions .... I'm at a loss....