So did DT update the 2.1 upload?...I've had his Full 2.1 base but wondering if he made changes and uploaded a newer zip?
Apparently there is some difference between the 2.0 base and the 2.1 update. When I originally loaded 2.1 there was some conflict between that and your 2.0 theme that made the text and other things disappear. I reloaded your 2.0 theme over 2.1 update and everything returned but the power menu. I asked DT about it and he said it must have fried something in the framework. When you released it for 2.1 I tried again. 2.0 with your theme>2.1 update>same missing text>upload your 2.1 theme update, everything is good but the power menu is still gone and it fastboots.
Also, I'm using the Shifter 2.1 (Blurry) update, not the 2.1 base since I was already running 2.0
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