1) Does anyone have any great undervolts for this amazing rom?
2) Are there plans for any of the 3 themes (nex theme, aosp, gingerbread) to have the percentage in the battery?
3) I cannot, for the life of me get my phone to use the gingerbread keyboard, any ideas?
4) (General question) Why is my phone battery stuck at 10% increments where my wife's incredible is at 1% increments? Is it in the kernel? Just curious.
I was an avid rubiX fan. I saw what this was on day one and decided to try and just love it. It is amazing!
Good questions!
1) Try these settings for undervolting and see how they work:
2) I can't speak for the themers but I found that I actually like having the widget battstat on my homescreen to tell me this. You can have it display nice clean full words in whatever color and background (or lack of background) you want. For example, mine is blue and says NINETY PERCENT... or if it were charging it would say NINETY CHARGING. You can also make the percentages display in numbers instead of words and resize it to your liking.
3) You have to go into language and keyboard settings, then check the box next to Gingerbread keyboard, then in a text box long hold and choose input method. Then just pick Gingerbread keyboard.
4) The DX does not support 1% battery increments like the Incredible. You will only get 10% increments.
Thanks for the reply!
I use battstatt and love it. I just like to have a quick idea o battery life from time to time without having to unlock my screen. Just a silly preference that I can certainly live without.
Does anyone have black text on black notification bar with gingerbread? Anyone know how to fix that?
And thank you for the "select input type" suggestion; that worked perfectly. Completely forgot about that!
We'll see after a little while how those voltages fare. Thank you very much!