...the Gingerjuice theme changes the following files in /system:
I did a binary diff of each of these files from ZS against the deodexed Gingerbread .595 release from TBH. Here's what I found:
app/BlurHome.apk - only a few bytes different
app/Browser.apk - only a few bytes different
app/LatinIME.apk - only a few bytes different
app/Settings.apk - only a few bytes different
app/SystemUI.apk - extremely different, files have almost nothing in common
framework/blur-res.apk - files are identical
framework/framework-res.apk - extremely different, files have almost nothing in common
lib/libjni_latinime.so - files are identical
Great minds think alike! Was doing basically the same thing earlier.
From what I've seen so far, if you just replace Settings.apk in the Gingercomb .ZIP file with the Settings.apk in the ZS ROM .ZIP file, things seem to work just fine. Yes, I would rather have everything themed out and working, but honestly the main reason I use Gingercomb Juice is because I love the notification bar, popup shading, CRT off, Xoom boot logo. The lock screen looks a little weird with this tweak, but I don't use the stock lockscreen anyway (I'm a WidgetLocker guy), so no big. I think I can get most of what I want right now, and things are stable enough until Juicemane can have a look at those .apk's in the ROM file and make a ZS version.
Great work, all! dancedroid THANKS!! dancedroid