Hey motocache, quick Q, did anyone ever elaborate on the downsides of the 1 click rooting? I am very curious as I will be able to do it the regular way but if I can do it 1 click without any repossessions then i will do that
Not here in this topic, but it might make for a lively discussion as a complete thread of its own. Everything has a downside. I don't really do "1 click" anything. Here are my thoughts for what it is worth. (You never know how long the reply from me may be -- even when asking a seemingly simple question.)
Let's start with this for a downside -- what
else is the one-click app doing to your phone? Understand, I'm not making accusations, just asking the question. When you root the way I've presented in the OP, all Superuser access (while your phone booted to the main OS) has to be granted by you from the Superuser.apk popup. When you root any other way, the app doing the rooting has unfettered God mode over your phone (presumably or else how did it root it?). Do you have anything on your phone that you might not want that app to have access to? Too bad. One app I played with won't activate without Internet access. I sniffer traced it and it's not doing anything naughty with that access (in this version, at the time I checked it -- what about the next version -- what about at 2am when you're not running your sniffer trace?). You could say that my packages are a "black box" to you too and how do you know what they are doing? The difference is that the one-click apps are compiled apps and you don't have the source code. However, if you split my SBF file (plenty of SBF splitters out there) you'll find that the only image in it is the SPRecovery 0.99.3b image direct from DroidMod.org. It's the exact same image that's in ESE81_SPRecovery (minus the ESE81 kernel of course). Does SPRecovery have any secrets in it? It could -- but just about every rooted user has run that image at some point, and nobody has found an unknown exploit in it yet. I have disassembled the package as well, and other than the security holes it opens on purpose (root access via ADB while recovery is booted, etc.) I haven't found anything. The update.zip is even more transparent. If you unzip it you can browse to the directory where the updater-script file is and read the exact steps it is going to perform and look at the binaries (su, Superuser.apk, and busybox) that it is going to put on. Every binary is from a public distribution -- with source code available. So, that's the first thing.
Second, as someone pointed out, getting root and keeping root are two different things. Once you root you need to put on a custom recovery to block OTA updates, and you need to disable Flash Recovery Service if your phone has it active. You can certainly do that other ways if you know to. If you don't, and you take a 2.2 OTA, and your one-click app doesn't work with 2.2 (lots of people in that boat as of today), then what are you going to do?
Which brings me to my last point. When you use the one-click app you're just as lost and ignorant when you're done as you were when you started. I don't mean that as an insult. Stupid is a qualitative assessment of a person. Ignorant is a present condition of lack of knowledge. Generally one is changeable and the other not-so-much. Anyway, after your one-click, sure, you've got root, but what did you learn? Do you know how you got it? Do you know why it worked? Do you know where to look if it stops working? Do you know what to do to if you need to do it again and the one-click no longer works? With the packages in this topic: a) it should always work because the only thing it is "exploiting" is the fact that this phone (the Droid 1) has no mechanism to prevent flashing the recovery of your choice. Once you flash the recovery of your choice the rest is academic. And then b) since you can take apart everything in these two packages and see what's inside (you can even take apart the SPRecovery image after you extract it and see what files make it up if you like) you can completely understand what it does and how it does it.
Researching to figure out how to take these things apart and truly understand them is a great learning experience. I did it (for the very first time, not very long ago) and look at the fun things I can do now. Granted, not everybody wants to know how their car engine works. Lots of folks just want to stick the key in and drive and if it stops working some day, they'll pay someone who understands it to fix it for them. That's cool and I get it -- but it's not me. If I don't know how something that is important to my day to day activities works, then I'm dependent upon someone else in order to be able to enjoy those activities or capabilities or whatever. Being dependent on other people sucks and I make a habit of doing it to the bare minimum extent necessary. But I'm crazy like that.
Here's a brief timeline of my journey with the Droid.
Seventeen days ago I didn't know how a single bit of this stuff worked. I'd never taken apart an update.zip, and SBF files were something made by the Motorola gods that mortals used but didn't dare think about really understanding. I knew what "root" was in Unix/Linux, but I had no idea what components made it happen in a Droid.
About 15 hours later I made
my first update.zip type package to help SPRecovery users that were stuck in the same spot I was -- they couldn't run the latest package by the Superuser author because it didn't work with SPRecovery. Honestly the fact that nobody could answer
my question back on 8/11 was a wonderful gift of odd sorts. I wasn't content to be dependent upon someone else to make their package work for my phone -- heck, it might never happen. So I figured it out for myself.
Six days later (8/17) I stumbled into
a topic where someone had asked about making their own SBF. The replies didn't offer much hope of success. But a brief time with Google and I
posted that it seemed at least reasonable that a mortal could do it. Less than 10 hours after that I had modified my first SBF. I changed ESE81_SPRecovery so it would flash on Clockwork instead. Less than 8 hours later I had made a complete custom, full-flash SBF with modified system partition (rooted), custom recovery, etc.
Now 17 days have elapsed since I didn't know anything about how any of this works. I've made some kinda neat tools that some people have found fairly helpful, and I've also learned more about this phone than anybody should probably know. I try to write up everything I know in a way that those who want to understand it can do so. There is very little left in this phone that holds much mystery at this point. Of course the solution to that is to get a new phone that I don't know anything about and see what problem comes my way.
Anyway, the moral of this long rambling post is that if the Superuser package would have just worked on SPRecovery back on 8/11, I might still not know anything about how any of this works. Then again I might -- who knows -- but as long as you're willing to use black boxes that keep the best part of the magic hidden inside as a secret, it's tough to really expand your knowledge and skills.
Then again, I'd probably get a hell of a lot more sleep that way. Look at the time -- I'm East coast and it's pretty far into the new day.
Anyway, this post probably sounds stupid or condescending or preachy or all of the above and more. It wasn't meant that way. Your question (which was a perfectly fine question) just kind of gave me the opening to expound upon something that has been knocking around in my head each day as I see so many folks who really don't understand the little glowing box of magic they hold in their hands. Some really want to understand, and others just want to benefit from the magic. Neither is right or wrong, but if you're the one who wants to control the magic instead of just wield it (hoping the magic doesn't just stop working as quickly as it came), then a one-click app is your worst enemy.
Thus endeth the sermon.