Just checked my wife's phone and the Mobile Hotspot is free...
Again, nowhere on the Terms and Conditions or Customer Agreement does it say rooting or tethering is a violation.
seriously? sure it does. Terms & Conditions
i've said it before and i'll say it again. what makes people think a multi-billion dollar corporation would have a loophole that big...why do people continue to think that VZW is a mom and pop organization?
no one here is going to uncover anything groundbreaking. Tethering violates your TOS, so does rooting...just accept it and then make the choice if you want to do it or not...
Dude, firstly chill out... I did not attack you or anyone else on here. Secondly, stop taking my post out of context and then adding words into my post. I never said Verizon was a "mom and pop shop" as you put it or that I had found out some new epiphany regarding Verizon's service. I am simply looking for factual information with actual quoted text from the Verizon site.
I've already read the Customer Agreement but you left out the part where I asked for a quote that shows WHERE it says anything about rooting or tether or indicates anything even remotely similar. The only thing that I could find in both the Terms and Services and Customer Agreement was this in the Customer Agreement:
"(d) modify your device from its manufacturer's specifications"
It does not say your device software, your OS, your anything but the device. Again, I'm asking here; Can someone please quote the Customer Agreement or Terms and Services where it says that this activity is a violation of your Customer Agreement/Terms and Services?
Finally, if the Verizon people are so against tethering and rooting, why doesn't Verizon train their Customer Service department to understand what this means and how to deal with the questions appropriately. The woman I talked to this evening basically read me the paragraph that contained the quoted text above from the Customer Agreement and stated that she could not find anything that was against what I was asking about. I also don't understand why they just don't change their TaS and CA with the exact terms "rooting and tethering".
Thanks in advance for any input that isn't inflammatory, out of context or just plain rude.
Ok i apologize. I guess I just find it weird that people would think that a company like Verizon wouldn't have a provision that disallows tethering. Anyway, I linked the agreement above, not sure if you read it or not but it clearly states:
Unlimited Smartphone and BlackBerry Plans and Features
These WirelessEmail plans and features cannot be used: (1) for access to the Internet, intranets or other data networks except as the device’s native applications and capabilities permit, unless you subscribe to Mobile Broadband Connect; or (2) for any applications that tether your device to tether laptops or personal computers other than for use of the Wireless Sync or the BlackBerry solution, unless you subscribe to Mobile BroadbandConnect.
As for rooting, that's in Motorola's warranty:
Unauthorized Service or Modification. Defects or damages resulting from service, testing, adjustment, installation, maintenance, alteration, or modification in any way by someone other than Motorola, or its authorized service centers, are excluded from coverage.
So moral of the story? You can root and tether all you want, but it is a violation of TOS and warranty, and if you get caught Verizon has every right to void your contract.
Hope that clears things up...