Kernels can be difficult to dig up, but here are a couple of links:
Index of /froyo/kernels2
Index of /froyo/kernels3 Yes, they are different. The first one is an earlier build that some prefer. You should try both.
P3Droid Kernels
Themes you should look in the theme section here on DF, same with the ROMs. Some suggested ROMs based in order of how they came to me:
Ulitmate Droid (perennial favorite lately but having some bug issues lately -- very different from stock)
Sapphire 1.1.1 (Sapphires motto is change as little code as possible but clean it all up)
Simply Stunning 4.9 (Chevy's cool and his kernels are awesome if you can run them but the ROM may be aimed at more advanced users)
CyanogenMod 6.1 (a new nightly every night - the developers may be called Team Douche for a good reason, but their ROM is the one to beat)
MIUI (ONLY for advanced users)
Bugless Beast v.5 (been hearing people still get update notices while running it AND if it's not installed right there WILL be blood, er, bugs)
Charity (all donations to the developers go to cleaning up the Gulf)
Liquid Frozen Yogurt (The devs are pretty cool folks)
There are others, of course, and some may be more awesome than others, especially on your phone -- I can't remember all of them.![]()
:icon_ laughup::icon_ laughup::rofl3::rofl3: Thanks