Has anyone who has rooted removed all the bloat? Just wondering how much space you got back.
Sent from my HTC Thunderbolt
Rooted and deleted bloat with root explorer. However my internal memory is only showing 2.47 GB free.. wtf?
all of those commands are ADB commands..... so what i would recommend doing is reading up on how to install ADB on your computer, and then how to use it.
but once you know how to use it, you literally just type in all those commands exactly how its laid out and hit enter after each one.
i doubt a fast method will be out soon, as in this week, or even in the next two weeks, but i bet someone will be kind enough to do a youtube walkthrough fairly shortly. that way you can see step by step what is happening, and what the screens should look like. i just finished the process on mine, and i havent used adb since rooting my droid X. if u need help, jst pm me. ill help where i can.
Has anyone who has rooted removed all the bloat? Just wondering how much space you got back.
Sent from my HTC Thunderbolt
Rooted and deleted bloat with root explorer. However my internal memory is only showing 2.47 GB free.. wtf?
Do you favor ROOT EXPLORER over ASTRO?
I'm looking for the best way to remove the mandatory shareware / bloatware as soon as I root (tomorrow I hope).
Thanks for the input!
Rooted and deleted bloat with root explorer. However my internal memory is only showing 2.47 GB free.. wtf?
Do you favor ROOT EXPLORER over ASTRO?
I'm looking for the best way to remove the mandatory shareware / bloatware as soon as I root (tomorrow I hope).
Thanks for the input!
I say root explorer all the way. Also the internal memory will not report as different or more available right now. There is a software push being made from HTC to fix that. So once bloated is gone its hard to say exactly how much is freed up right now.
Do you favor ROOT EXPLORER over ASTRO?
I'm looking for the best way to remove the mandatory shareware / bloatware as soon as I root (tomorrow I hope).
Thanks for the input!
I say root explorer all the way. Also the internal memory will not report as different or more available right now. There is a software push being made from HTC to fix that. So once bloated is gone its hard to say exactly how much is freed up right now.
Thank you for the feedback, I'll give ROOT EXPLORER a test drive.
That is interesting what you are saying about the space reporting. Dumb cosmetic issue. I hope if there is a HTC software push, that doesn't tamper with rooting the device.
I think manually installing such an update via non-push from HTC would be better, wouldn't you think?
...I think manually installing such an update via non-push from HTC would be better, wouldn't you think?
Most times accepting an OTA does un-root, if it even lets you accept it. The great news is 99% odf the time the devs will have a update that you just flash in recovery before the OTA would even hit your phone. If not before then right after. A phone like the TB has great support and they will be on top of getting the updates out quickly. They can get them out first cause once they go live they grab it root it and post it. The only time I ever took an OTA for my D1 was when I returned it to stock to claim on warranty. Other then that I always just get what the devs put out. Also the great thing about root is the updates that the devs put out are always the same or better then what you will get OTA. So no worries once rooted. You will be able to stay up to date easily.
Right on, if I can find the time tomorrow I'm going to root the TB, thx so much for the input. From what I've researched, I think I'm ready; the only piece I'm missing is a back-out plan method, for return to stock. Do you know if such a thing has been established?
OK. That was dumb. I renamed the file .zip but it was already compressed, so it was pg05img.zip.zip and it didn't find it. Working fine now.yay!
Yeah the file you download at the top that starts with RUU or whatever, you move it to teh root of your SD card in that step and rename it pg05img.zip
You also download a pg05img.zip already named that way; but that is for use later on in the process (Step 7 or 8)