IBM 3084...
Gosh I feel old LOL
Burroughs B263 circa 1967? IBM System 360 model 25? How you doin' son.
IBM 3084...
Gosh I feel old LOL
Well, apparently you felt passionate enough about the subject as well, as you posted.
Welcome to the club, glad to have you.
Well, apparently you felt passionate enough about the subject as well, as you posted.
Welcome to the club, glad to have you.
Well, you know what I just found out? I touched a soft spot. Secondly... you misread. Well, I'll add a thirdly... thirdly... yes I'm passionate when kids have no life... it saddens me... by the gods! *just finished GOW3, can't you tell?*
Your turn to respond. I wont.![]()
Sounds like you might be the same guy in this picture:
Yeah, I'm rooted, running some 13 year old kid's OS to push my Droid to 1.2 ghz. It may blow up. Someone might read my text messages or log my gps data. Somebody might even clone my debit card... but damn, my phone is fast. I'll deal with the other stuff if it happens. For now, I'm happy.
- Jim
All I can say is one thing. This is probably the stupidest, most idiotic thread that I have ever seen started. In fact I can't believe I'm wasting my time responding to it.
Off my soap box now.
You just can't fix stupid thats all.
I rooted and rom'd my droid because it's friggin fun. Not any simpler than that.
Feel free not to respond, as well as in the future not tell me about soft spots you are touching. Its none of my business and I don't want to know about it.![]()
Wow... I just have to reply because I find this hilarious. I'm 28 also, have pretty much the same experience timeline, though much more when it comes to Linux system administration, and I would never make a post such as this. First of all, 28 is not old. Second off, if you're only 28, just shut up... just shut up and listen. As a young IT professional I run across people like this all the time and it drives me crazy. At this stage in my life my primary goal is to learn and apply what I learn. But of course there is always that twenty-something claiming this and that on anecdotal evidence or something they read on Kotaku.
Though he makes a point, it is merely common sense dressed up as a hacker. Security is a comprehensive process that involves compromises, not a list of Thou Shalt Not's. When it comes to security on the Droid, I just don't store anything sensitive on it. Not because I'm afraid of malicious software from a 13 year-old, but rather because there is a much greater probability some crack head like Tyrone Biggums is going to run up to me and be like, "....I got ya Droid..." and run off. Then the sad truth is, Tyrone doesn't care if your rooted or not.