looks like you bricked your phone, using DROID_RAZR_Utility_Jellybean_XT912_WinMacLin.zip not DROID_4_Utility_Jellybean_XT894_WinMacLin.zip
no fix that I know of,
if you used DROID_4_Utility_Jellybean_XT894_WinMacLin.zip
could be battery, get a Motorola Programing Adaptor by Team Black Hat
Thank you. It looks like I picked the wrong utility (I think I misunderstood that the Droid RAZR utility was the same as the Droid 4 - dang, stupid mistake). I will definitely pick up one of those factory adapters. Looks like it will be useful.
I took my brick in to the Verizon store and they have shipped me a replacement already. I kept the brick and the replacement should be arriving today. Should I wait to get this factory adapter and try to fix my brick before I send it back to Verizon? Is there a chance that they will see the discrepancies and charge me for something? I did a factory reset right before the botched flash, so it's not like I have SU installed on there or anything. Any advice?