Route all audio to bluetooth headset


New Member
Dec 23, 2009
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I recently got a PLT 510 bluetooth headset for use with the Droid.

I've paired it up, and tried out a call, and it comes through on the headset just fine.

When I try to play audio through the Pandora app, or play a video from YouTube, however, it plays the audio through the Droid's speaker (as in speakerphone), and not through the bluetooth headset.

I checked the bluetooth settings in the Droid and all I find in there is a very unhelpful "Connected to phone audio" message under the paired device in the list.

Is there no way to make everything play through the headset? I would like a toggle that forces absolutely any noise that the Droid would like to play to come through the headset. It works this way when I put headphones into the 3.5mm headphone jack, but not through bluetooth. What is the point of a bluetooth headset if it isn't even as useful as half of a $10 pair of earbuds? Sure, I can talk into the thing, but a lot more often I want to listen to music or a podcast, and I thought I would be able to do so with a bluetooth headset.

Please tell me I'm just missing something, or that I have the wrong type of bluetooth headset or something. If this is an impossibility, then my faith in the Droid will have just suffered its first major setback.
I think this is due to the lack of specific BT protocols being implemented in Droid. Same issue exists in that you won't get google turn by turn directions thru BT either, not to mention voice activated calling. You are not the only one hoping that this gets resolved shortly.
Also, can't remember where I read it but rumor is that Motor purposely did not implement "plain old"BT audio because they have something SPECIAL in the works. What could be more special than having the functionality day one is beyond me......but we'll see. Again, this is Just rumor
i have a blueant q1 and i can hear all the audio through it. i had to update the firmware when i got it tho.
I believe you need an A2DP compatable bluetooth device. I have a couple of them and both work fine. I wanted to buy my daughter one for Christmas and was amazed at how few salespeople even know what they are. Just google - stereo bluetooth or A2DP. The (2) I have are - Jabra BT8010 (stereo) and Jabra BT8040 (Mono). The BT8040 does not have very good volume.
I believe you need an A2DP compatable bluetooth device. I have a couple of them and both work fine. I wanted to buy my daughter one for Christmas and was amazed at how few salespeople even know what they are. Just google - stereo bluetooth or A2DP. The (2) I have are - Jabra BT8010 (stereo) and Jabra BT8040 (Mono). The BT8040 does not have very good volume.

My wife and I both have the Jabra BT8010 and they work for both voice and audio on my Droid, my old enV and her older VX-8300. I wish that Jabra still made that headset. I'm guessing that most mono headsets don't support A2DP. I'll have to check if my Motorola H715 does, but not this early in the morning. :blink:

Edit: OK, I'm awake now. I just tried it with my Motorola H715 and the audio comes from the phone speaker and not the headset.
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Has anyone tested out a ps3 bt? Id like to know if that worked with all audio or not i was thinkin about getting one.
Has anyone tested out a ps3 bt? Id like to know if that worked with all audio or not i was thinkin about getting one.

It doesnt work pn droid but it workd on my friends samsung impression. This is so annoying
I believe you need an A2DP compatable bluetooth device. I have a couple of them and both work fine. I wanted to buy my daughter one for Christmas and was amazed at how few salespeople even know what they are. Just google - stereo bluetooth or A2DP. The (2) I have are - Jabra BT8010 (stereo) and Jabra BT8040 (Mono). The BT8040 does not have very good volume.

Not to be a pain, but do you know if they make any cheaper A2DP Bluetooth phone headsets? If not, then i'll just have to invest in a good one in the future. Thanks
Not necessarily

on my old phone (XV6900 - wm6.1) there was a freeware that WOULD route ALL audio to the bluetooth, A2DP headset or not. There must be something similar for the droidx by now.
Plantronic Pulsar 260 headset

I have the Plantronic Pulsar 260 headset and have had it for a couple of years. I googled it and found out it is A2DP but I am having the same problem. Music plays through my Droid Incredible's speaker instead of the headset. Bummer! Anyone have an answer to this??