Upgraded from 1.9.7 to 2.0 with no problems, then installed the GalaS_RubixPort theme. 2.0 was rock stable for me.
I upgraded to 2.0.1, charged the phone before going to bed, did not use the phone the next day, but after I left work, I could not turn on the screen, even tho I had notification led's. Had to do a battery pull to get it working again. This is unusual for me. I do not get FC's or have stability problems.
Last night I again charged the battery to 100% before going to bed, noticed I had 80% battery by the time I left for work (usually it's 90%) and after work I'm at 40%. This is the extended battery and I had two phone calls, totally 1.5 minutes, o/w the phone was idle all day.
I have wi-fi on while at home and am using the "conservative" governor. Here's my battery use.