I love fission, but you guys (DeFuse) should probably stop asking for donations on the basis that you don't have a droid x to test builds on...
What?!? These people are bringing the cosest thing we have to true ROMS for the DX/D2, and you thinking they should quit asking for donations?
That is illogical.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
edit, retracted: OK, i understand how my statement could have been misinterpreted. If you've read the Fission 1.2 thread or been to the Team DeFuse website, you've surely read that they are asking for donations, which is fine and to which i have contributed to, but they are asking partially on the premise that they do not have a physical droid X to test builds on. That had been my understanding, and part of the motivation behind my donation. Then, as i'm sure you saw, Drod comes in and says that they do indeed have a DX, which is what prompted my original comment. Now, he has clarified and stated that, as i understand it, the CURRENT, WORKING DeFuse team does NOT have a Droid X. whew...
BUT, this has all been a massive digression from the topic of the thread, to which i say:
I run Apex. I went Fission 1.1>1.2>Apex. Fission 1.2 absolutely flew, but i can't live without my panoramic pictures and HDMI out. I'm happy with my current Apex setup for speed, flexibility, capability, and reliability. I'm probably going to flash back to fission this weekend and see if i can get some of the blur apk's that fab provided to run.
Yeah, I fully understand where you are coming from now. You would think that for sure by now they would have received enough "donated" money to purchase a Droid X, at least one would think...