Well I got mine on Thursday and I can assure you, I had to pay the monthly and only had the activation fee waived because I know the Verizon feller through working with his brother.
I also only got the $599 price because of the two year service plan. It is $799 without that so I don't understand how you got that price without a plan, Fireball.
I did get a Plan for the device but its not on the device i got the MIFI Plan witch i really needed it becuase the data plan on the xoom would have been fine but their is no app for texting on the device that i can that actuelly works if you know of one i really need to find one i have been looking in the apps market for 2 days and i just can not seem to find an app that i can text other phones with
i never use a cell phone this is why i have a zoom and also laptops ect
but for me to really be able to use the xoom i need an app to whare i can text other cell phones i heard their were some for the droid and a lot of them worked but i just cant find one for the xoom
if you find one let me know