S3 or Gnex

My girlfriend bought a S3 today from Sprint. It is a nice device, but I like the way my Nexus feels in hand. I will be keeping my nexus. I will save that money for the Nexus 7 !
GNEX is still the baddest phone around. It will be the only one with 4.1 until Q4 from what I have heard. And you can put 4.1 on it now. The GS3 has some unreal specs, but with all the dev support on the GNEX, it will continue to stay relevant for quite a while. I have no intention on upgrading anytime soon
This is probably super relevant, I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet, the guy seems to get a lot of praise. Here is an awesome review.


My personal opinion is, I already have a Gnex and LOVE it, so I have no need to upgrade. Also, I'm one of the people that really don't like that home button. I rom a lot also, so the insane dev support on the Gnex is awesome, and will always been there since its a Nexus, making it simple and on the front line constantly.
Just to clarify guys...from what I've been reading, the Gnex isn't banned from being sold at retail stores, it's only banned from being shipped, until Google rolls out the patch to "fix" the unified search issue (or until they win their appeal). I'm getting my VZW Nexus tomorrow morning, and the only thing the reps told me is that they're not getting any more shipments in...for now. The device will continue to be relevant and supported, and will also be back on Google Play (for those wanting the GSM version) within the next week or so, according to Google. This "problem" will have an easy fix, and likely, a very simple resolution in court. No worries! :)

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The jellybean method of unlocking isn't exactly a swiping gesture. So I'm assuming and keeping my fingers crossed for the update to be fixed with jelly bean
^ I don't think this particular ban is in regards to the "swipe to unlock" feature..it's about the unified search function (where you start a search, and apps are displayed, along with web results). Google's patching it for the time being, until they can develop a proper work-around.

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They're being sued for so many things that I can't keep track.
Apparently it seems as though the Verizon GS3 is locked down pretty tight for the rooters perspective. While I am sure someone will figure out something eventually, this may limit what is possible and also make development a little slower for the VZW GS3. Perhaps meaning no OS upgrades until Verizon gets around to releasing them type thing. Of course I am speculating here.
You're absolutely right to think that. The SGS3 will be a great device (spectacular camera and display), and has the ability to do a lot of amazing things, but updates will be slow. As it is, the VZW Nexus gets slower updates, because of Verizon's" quality control" protocol...the SGS3 will be behind the Nexus by a good month at least IMO.

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The appelate court ended the ban until they can address it.

As far as the GNEX or the S3.

I think the GNEX is the best looking phone out there. I love using it and haven't had any problems.

If I were to have to buy a phone now it would be the S3. But there no reason to leave the Nexus.

The phones are virtually identical - even the size.
Well if its verizon do Gnex. The s3 got locked. And that's just ridiculous

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