Oh i see. Well i guess that's not beneficial to me but a nice added piece element for you for sure.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Droid Forums
Out of curiosity, what specifically are you looming for in a new device? Compared to the Bionic, the S4 seems light years ahead. For instance:
Processor - 1.9ghz quad core Snapdragon 600 (OK, so it's not Doc Oc, but it's pretty damn snappy)
Display - 5" HD Super Amoled (which looks fantastic)
Camera - 13MP rear facing (not a big deal for me since I don't take many photos, however, for those who care it's supposed to be phenomenal)
Battery - 2600mAh (by most accounts, there's enough juice to get a moderate to heavy user through the day, and it's removable)
Micro SD card slot - check
Build quality - seems solid, though the plastic is admittedly a matter of personal preference. I've used a silicone/gel case on all my devices
Call quality and signal - both are very good (at least in the St. Louis area)
This covers the biggies. TouchWiz, Sense, Blur ........ all variants around the same android base.
Or, are you thinking that something earth shaking is coming in a couple of months. Always will with the way technology is advancing. Just comes down to what you're looking for, and which device features the most of those characteristics.
Seeing as the Bionic has gotten me through 20 months, the S4 should easily duplicate that feat.:biggrin: