I was just referring to you burning yourself, and also losing your house to fire.....Haha, it sounds worse than it really was, but thanks. I'll certainly take your advice. I don't like burns, just like the next guy/gal.
For clarification I am not even remotely comparing my injuries to those reported in the cell phone issues, they are horrific and very sad. I was simply raising the point that at the exact moment of such burns the worse they are, it seems...the less rapidly the body responds. I suggest it may have to do with how quickly the damage occurs due to the extreme heat versus how long it takes for the message to make it to the brain.
I want everyone not to discount how serious these injuries depicted are, and that nobody should make light of them. These people suffered terribly and will continue to suffer for an indeterminate amount of time going forward, in some cases the rest of their lives. Any attempt to suggest that these were somehow staged or whatever should be resisted.
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