If you are the lucky owner of the Kindle Fire HDX 7 then you know how incredibly different it looks and performs than a standard Android Tablet. Some OEMs overlay minor skins, but keep Google functionality on the tablet. Amazon on the other hand has removed every instance of Google form their Kindle series and has made Android totally unrecognizable on their devices replacing the Google Play Store with their own App Store, and totally changing the layout with their own custom launcher. You can root your Tablet and install the SafeStrap recovery. With the Safestrap recovery you will be able to fully backup your device, and install custom roms. This means you can run full Android on your device with the Google Play Store and all Google services. I guess it could be argued that if you really wanted a true Android tablet then you probably shouldn't have purchased a Kindle, but there are quite a few of you who are highly invested in Amazon's ecosystem and would love to have the option to run full on Android on this device. Head to the link below for a gull guide on how to root and install SafeStrap on your Kindle Fire HDX 7.
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