Superuser by ChainsDD and Superuser by ClockworkMod Confused? Join the club
2 conflicting apps may be causing Binary issues? Do ya think? Read on....
I installed and then RazrBlade for Root andSafestrap.
I then installed kexec Rom via Safestrap to Romslot 1 and backed up my Stock.
Packages above (forgot which one to be exact) installed Superuser on my Stock Rom.
When I installed Kexec Rom, Superuser was not in the App drawer! Strange. Forums told me to install it from Playstore, which I did.
Now, in stock, SuperUser alert says, Binary must be updated, select installation method of CANcel, Recover Install, or Install.
So, now I get 2 reminders, one on Stock and onte on Kexec Rom! LOl
When viewing Playstore, I noticed that there are to apps named Superuser: Superuser by ChainsDD and Superuser by ClockworkModguys! Guys! You're killing me
2 apps-same names!
I'm not a wiz at this, and it's really confusing. But, I think i know what might mbe causing the problem/conflict. - Stock may have one version, and Rom, may have had another built in? When one disappeared, i probably downloaded ther other and caused a problem???
If that's the case, can I delete both Superuser apps ( Rom and Stock) and reinstall the same version to both sides? Which do u suggest is better to use ClockworkMod or ChainsDD?
Sorry for such a long note, b=and Ihope u understand what I am trying to explain and solve.
PS: i wrote developer andhave yet to receive a response.