Samsung Galaxy Note 7 No Longer Available For Purchase In The USA

Good point, I wish there was another here that made me interested, the S7 edge is the closest, but...

Sent from my New Note 7
Good luck finding the S7 Edge in stock now...

From The Sexy Note 7♡
It hasn't helped matters that our forum along with many others posted multiple "stories" almost daily for the past month regarding exploding Note 7s and exploding replacement devices.... Most of which we're now finding out to be complete BS. Unfortunately the damage has already been done because people remember & believe the headlines, not the facts that end up coming out weeks later in a less dramatic fashion. The old saying, "If it bleeds it leads" really is true.
Whatever happened to responsible reporting? Ya know, looking into & finding out the actual facts BEFORE posting them? Wouldn't want to do that, no!
Instead people would rather be the first to repost a "story" for headlines sake in order to bring in more traffic & more hits, as opposed to waiting and providing true & accurate FACTS.
Its f'n sad if you ask me.
But that's just my 2 cents.

S5 tap'n
I may get the V20 until sammy figures things out wats going on if they make us return our notes

Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
It hasn't helped matters that our forum along with many others posted multiple "stories" almost daily for the past month regarding exploding Note 7s and exploding replacement devices.... Most of which we're now finding out to be complete BS. Unfortunately the damage has already been done because people remember & believe the headlines, not the facts that end up coming out weeks later in a less dramatic fashion. The old saying, "If it bleeds it leads" really is true.
Whatever happened to responsible reporting? Ya know, looking into & finding out the actual facts BEFORE posting them? Wouldn't want to do that, no!
Instead people would rather be the first to repost a "story" for headlines sake in order to bring in more traffic & more hits, as opposed to waiting and providing true & accurate FACTS.
Its f'n sad if you ask me.
But that's just my 2 cents.

S5 tap'n
It's not just bad reporting.... Samsung just said no more Note 7's... turn them off take them back!

This is serious..

From The Sexy Note 7♡
It hasn't helped matters that our forum along with many others posted multiple "stories" almost daily for the past month regarding exploding Note 7s and exploding replacement devices.... Most of which we're now finding out to be complete BS. Unfortunately the damage has already been done because people remember & believe the headlines, not the facts that end up coming out weeks later in a less dramatic fashion. The old saying, "If it bleeds it leads" really is true.
Whatever happened to responsible reporting? Ya know, looking into & finding out the actual facts BEFORE posting them? Wouldn't want to do that, no!
Instead people would rather be the first to repost a "story" for headlines sake in order to bring in more traffic & more hits, as opposed to waiting and providing true & accurate FACTS.
Its f'n sad if you ask me.
But that's just my 2 cents.

S5 tap'n
Absolutely, heck I'm just chatting to be prepared, my Notes here until just before I can't get $ back ;)

Sent from my New Note 7
Its serious only because we've made it serious, not because it actually was serious.
Samsung is only doing this to stop all the bad press, plain and simple.

S5 tap'n
Sorry Chris, can't agree with you this time.. Yes there are opportunists out there trying to make a few bucks, but there were some devices that did blow up/catch fire and one is too many..
There have been reports of the new iPhone 7 exploding. Should they halt production as well?

S5 tap'n
I'm really thinking if of all else fails a one year iPhone experiment won't kill me... I've never used one as my daily driver..

From The Sexy Note 7♡

Don't do it!!!

I carry an iPhone for work and it is the most annoying thing ever
It hasn't helped matters that our forum along with many others posted multiple "stories" almost daily for the past month regarding exploding Note 7s and exploding replacement devices.... Most of which we're now finding out to be complete BS. Unfortunately the damage has already been done because people remember & believe the headlines, not the facts that end up coming out weeks later in a less dramatic fashion. The old saying, "If it bleeds it leads" really is true.
Whatever happened to responsible reporting? Ya know, looking into & finding out the actual facts BEFORE posting them? Wouldn't want to do that, no!
Instead people would rather be the first to repost a "story" for headlines sake in order to bring in more traffic & more hits, as opposed to waiting and providing true & accurate FACTS.
Its f'n sad if you ask me.
But that's just my 2 cents.

S5 tap'n

I do write here in my spare time. I report the facts as they stand. I guess If CNN payed me to travel to all these places and talk to the people making the reports we could get the whole story. I am just reporting what real journalists have already collected from actually speaking with these people. In fact most of these reports have been accurate. This is why Samsung is having to halt production and sales of the devices. I know it doesn't seem real but it is.