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Samsung Galaxy S III Officially Announced

jory121 said:
Compared to all other devices...looks like they went two steps back....definitely not even on the same level as the one x

I agree in comparison to the X. IMO, the hardware looks better then the rest of the phones.
if it comes to verizon AND keeps the exynos I'm definitely going to break up with my bionic (it's not you it's me) it's incredibly sexy
Captmilk said:
I like the screen size but the HTC Onex is by far a more attractive looking phone -1 Samsung

I agree but since the One X only has integrated memory while the SGS3 has expandable memory, SGS3 will gain more converts.
It doesn't look like the LTE version will have quad core, but rather the dual core Snapdragon S4.
Mouthpuncher said:
I'm on Verizon as well and was hoping the Journal would be announced alongside this bad boy. I'm still on my OG droid so the S3 would be a massive upgrade for me but my soul yearns for the Journal... keeping my fingers crossed.

I went from an og to a rezound last November when my 2 years was up. The improvement is like going from a model t to a Ferrari. Every single thing about the new phone is better, except battery life... Now if this new phone really does have a 2100 battery vs the 1600 I have now... Holy crap... Ill take one in blue!
And the official unveiling is over. How does everyone feel?

Personally...I can't wait until it comes out! I love my Bionic but man is the GSIII the phone to have. As long as Verizon doesn't add a ton of bloat to it, I'll be happy.
Is it me or does it look like sammy just touch-wizzed all over ics. That phone looks ugly... stock ics ftw . Htc atleast kept it somewhat in the ball park. Touchwiz looks cartoony....


And I am curious if vzw will actually get the quad core exynos... cuz The version we get in the states always seem different from the international version. I would not be surprised it it gets the same processor thats in the nexus or get another processor other than the exynos.
"s"-voice really are they trying to get sued. oh well I must admit I like a lot of the features. But touchwiz just spoiled it for me. But for those digging it I think you gonna get a good device overall.

I like it a lot.

love the video thing where it resizes and keeps playing while I do other stuff on the phone. I'd watch a lot more videos if my nexus did that. hope it works for netflix type of apps too.

The wireless charging is something I like too.

I do worry about the bloat thou. but will it be unlock able and romable?

I have htc friends but really I don't think I'd consider spending my money on a htc. just not for me. I will be keeping my nexus till my upgrade. but my girl has an upgrade due soon and has come to completely hate her bolt over the last few months. (she almost threw it at the wall the other night lol) so this might be her next phone is she can wait that long and it comes to verizon.