Most of the tech blogs and info i've read about this phone suggests it will be 3g only.
No 4g = no sale for me.
I've held off buying the tbolt and the charge because I want a dual-core 4g smartphone. The galaxy s2 is dead sexy and incredibly fast... but why buy a fast processor and settle for slow 3g service? I could understand if I didn't have 4g available in my area, but I live in metro detroit where there is a strong 4g presence
From what i've read this phone will be coming in q3, around the same time that the Bionic is set to release. If the rumors are true and the galaxy s2 is 3g only, it will be an easy decision to go for the Bionic.
If samsung manages to push this out with 4g, then it will be a *much* harder to pick between the two.
No 4g = no sale for me.
I've held off buying the tbolt and the charge because I want a dual-core 4g smartphone. The galaxy s2 is dead sexy and incredibly fast... but why buy a fast processor and settle for slow 3g service? I could understand if I didn't have 4g available in my area, but I live in metro detroit where there is a strong 4g presence
From what i've read this phone will be coming in q3, around the same time that the Bionic is set to release. If the rumors are true and the galaxy s2 is 3g only, it will be an easy decision to go for the Bionic.
If samsung manages to push this out with 4g, then it will be a *much* harder to pick between the two.