Samsung's Mobile President Confirms Galaxy SII Coming to U.S. in August


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

It has been a long time in coming, and it looks like the flagship device from Samsung, the Galaxy SII, will be headed to U.S. shores in August. This info is courtesy of Samsung's President of Mobile himself, Shin Jong-kyun. Here's his quote,
“We expect to release the Galaxy S2 in the U.S. market sometime in August,”
This could potentially pit the Samsung power-house up against Apple's next iteration of the iPhone. Here's a recap of some of the specs just as a refresher as to why this is exciting news:
  • Gingerbread and TouchWiz
  • 1.2GHz dual-core processor
  • 8MP camera with 1080p video
  • Front 2MP camera
  • 4.3″ Super AMOLED Plus screen
  • Ultra-Thin and Light
  • 1650mAh battery
There's no word on a specific date in August, but we expect Samsung to keep that a bit "fluid" so as to better compete in the marketplace with both the newest iPhone and perhaps even the Droid Bionic. Let the rejoicing commence! dancedroid

Thanks to all my tipsters who sent this in!

Source: via Droid-Life and Yonhap News
i really hope so but i can wait till october (use all big reds discounts on NE2). i cant wait to get my hands on this phone. if it has 4g even better but not a dealbreaker
I'm up for renewal at the end of August and we just got 4g in our city so I'm hoping it's 4g otherwise I may have to think about the Bionic but I really don't want to resort to that :blink:
I hope we get a date and spec details from VZW before 8/4. I've been eligible for an upgrade for a few weeks now, and I've been holding out for either the Bionic or the Galaxy S II.
I'm pretty are its not running stock gingerbread, it's runing touchwiz
I hope we get a date and spec details from VZW before 8/4. I've been eligible for an upgrade for a few weeks now, and I've been holding out for either the Bionic or the Galaxy S II.

im in the exact same boat - except my phone also broke so ive been holding out for any solid dates - would really be nice to know how long exactly i have to be without a phone (plus my wife would also like to know lol)
i might just have to bite the bullet and get the bionic, if that even comes out on the 4th, but i really had my hopes on the SG2 for a few months now..wish they would firm up some dates
I hope we get a date and spec details from VZW before 8/4. I've been eligible for an upgrade for a few weeks now, and I've been holding out for either the Bionic or the Galaxy S II.

Same here for me. Decisions decisions...
4g isnt the deal breaker for me, i just hope its not going to change form from this beautiful phone to some crap design just to fit a 4g antenna in it. Its rare you find something that has great form along with great function and i would hate to see it ruined
why is that? (and this is rumored for VZW, right?)

Specs have been confirmed for HSPA+ on other carriers, but nothing that has been leaked or released has stated that this phone will have LTE (Verizon's superior 4g technology). Due to the larger footprints that most LTE phones have, many people doubt that a phone this slim can house an LTE radio.

There was some confusion a while back when someone reporting on a leak mistook the newest samsung galaxy tablet (which has 4g) with the sg2 and erroneously stated that the sg2 was confirmed with 4g. The story got picked up and repeated around the web, but it was a mistake.

I'm buying a Bionic when they get released in August. I've been sitting on an upgrade for 3 months and my og droid is well past its prime. I almost threw the thing out my window today when it froze up for the 20th time due to lack of memory. If samsung confirmed LTE I might be willing to wait a few more weeks because the SG2 is a damn sexy phone. But I live in a 4g capable area, and i'm not going to lock myself into a 2 year contract on a phone that doesn't have 4G, nor am I willing to wait three weeks MORE weeks to find out if the SG2 is LTE or not.
I wanted this phone over the Bionic but 4G is a deal breaker.. if its not announced with 4G before I can get my grubby little paws on a Bionic oh well... its been out worldwide all year and their loss for not getting it here in the US.
I'm SO glad this phone is coming here finally. I don't have 4g where I live, but I can imagine that being a deal breaker if I did... however, the performance of the machine versus all other smart phones makes it something you can't ignore. I've been eligible for an upgrade for a long time now so I'm very excited about this device.
I have no hard facts but it is my opinion that this phone will land on another carrier in August. Branded pics of the phone for AT&T have already surfaced. Who knows when VZW will get it?

I also doubt it will be LTE. As was said, the slim body would likely need to be compromised to fit an LTE radio inside and I doubt they'll do a redesign to accommodate the radio. Furthermore, if the iPhone5 is not LTE (last I heard it seemed unlikely, but who knows), why not pit the SGS2 right against it as a competing 3G phone? That way the Bionic has something that the iP5 and SGS2 don't, while the other two phones have other attributes.

Not to tinkle in anyone's cereal but I really don't think we'll be seeing this on VZW for a while.