here you go Joels blackbar mod with the rEVOlution battery images
havent tested it but it should work!!!
I'm still running 1.0 with the original black bar theme... can i just install this over top of my existing setup or do I need to revert back to stock first?
right over is fine on 1.0
Thanks bgill, this worked great... no problems at all.
While I'm thinking of it... If you wouldn't mind I'd like to pick your brain, or anyone elses, for a moment....
If I wanted to, say, take it a step further and change all of the 3G symbols to the ones from the rEVOLution theme as well would I be able to simply replace the PNG images for the 3G symbols within the drawable-hdpi folder in the framework-res.apk file of the revised black bar zip file you made, and then copy that file into the /system/framework/ directory using Root Explorer and overwrite the framework-res.apk file that is already there? That file would then essentially be exactly the same as the older one, just with updated 3G symbols correct? Or would I actually have to zip this up and install like the previous theme again?
Any info would be great; I don't relish monkeying around with things without at least acting like I know what I'm doing

Thanks in advance