gotta have that funk
still runnin with my own mish mash theme that started as nextheme.

What ICON pack is this? Any what BW skin are you using for the clock?
Here is the icon pack: Devine Icons by ~ipapun on deviantART
I had to resize the ones that I wanted...cause the native size is 512X512 on some of them
The clock skin is "NakedDroidBW"
What ICON pack is this? Any what BW skin are you using for the clock?
Here is the icon pack: Devine Icons by ~ipapun on deviantART
I had to resize the ones that I wanted...cause the native size is 512X512 on some of them
The clock skin is "NakedDroidBW"
This is incredible. Can someone please give me a crash course in getting these icons on my phone? Resizing and all of that stuff? I want my phone basically to look exactly like this.
still runnin with my own mish mash theme that started as nextheme.
Here is the icon pack: Devine Icons by ~ipapun on deviantART
I had to resize the ones that I wanted...cause the native size is 512X512 on some of them
The clock skin is "NakedDroidBW"
This is incredible. Can someone please give me a crash course in getting these icons on my phone? Resizing and all of that stuff? I want my phone basically to look exactly like this.
Glad you like it....Here is how I did it
I used these apps from the market:
ROM Manager Premium, BetterCut, Metamorph...
I used these widgets from the market: Beautiful Widgets, Pure Grid Calendar, Pure messenger:
I used these widgets included in the ROM: Genie, Music, Power, Picture Frame
Using ROM Manager Premium I flashed "Clean-Looksver2.2ROM"...this ROM has the Latest Cyanogen ROM plus the black and white theme. This will theme the notification bar, lock screen, power widget, Music widget and a bunch of other stuff....IT DOES NOT theme the Genie widget. The rom also changes some of the icons. I kept some of them...the phone, google voice, handcent, and Talk (those are the icons in the Helix)
Speaking of Helix Launcher... I am not sure if the Helix comes native with the you MIGHT need to get the Helix from the Market...I use Helix1.
I downloaded the the icons from the link above. Note that there are 2 files to download. I resized the png files for the icons that I was going to use to 60X60 and then I transfered them to the sdcard. Using BetterCut I created shortcuts to the apps and used the PNG files for the icons.
at this point I used ROM Manager Premium to back up the ROM.
I downloaded the Bgill55's Clean Black theme for Cyanogen to /sdcard/androidthemes:
using Metamorph I applied the Genie.apk sub-theme only
Now I added the widgets to the HomeScreens...the skins attached for the Pure Messenger and Pure Grid Calendar. EDIT: The Pure messenger skin is now on the you can get it thru the app now
The Calendar skins were made by The Bowers.
To use the skins....
Put the Calendar skins here: /sdcard/.org.koxx.pure_grid_calendar/skins/backgrounds
Put the Messenger skin here: /sdcard/.org.koxx.pure_messenger/skins/backgrounds
back up using Rom Manager Premium...
That should do it.
edit: I got the wall paper from here Reactive - Droid Wallpapers, Droid Gallery
Here's mine, cyanogen with a mash up of PMilzie's Hexfusion, bgill55's Black Ice and Jsin's Darkstar. I added the cyanogen logo on the launcher and in the notification shade, and the cyan droid battery indicator, which I am not thrilled with, but it'll work until I come up with something better.
dang i like that cyanogen launcher logo and in the notification do you do that?
here you go have fun
i dunno maybe pure messenger?