it is a bit sell outish but im still diggin it. no where near as much as their earlier stuff but still not bad. the beginning of 2nd sucks is just so awesome.Dude exactly the same for me. Aaron and Underoath were the reason I got into this. But I can't lie although I've met Daniel Davidson before and I don't like his setup, although the new UO CD is something I seriously dig. Not the same without Aaron though.
By the way you can tell me if that recording is nasty haha
ya i haven't even heard any of there stuff without them. was going to go see them with a day to remember a little while back but then found aaron had left and said forget it. i love ADTR but i've seen them a few times. i've been to listen to it at some point though. and no man that recording was awesome! i truly liked it. sick stuff
Oh by the way I'm seriously disappointed on how bad ADTR sold out on this new album yo. :icon_evil:
lol ya also sorry about the hijack i get sidetracked real easy