Screenshots of peoples Droid desktops?

Photobucket is acting weird so hopefully this works. My ode to 28 Days Later.


Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
U must be doing it wrong cause it works go to time then pick how you want your clock then go to static text and drag it to the middle then click static text and put : boom ur done :)

: didnt work. it is the static text, the symbol on number 4

Swyped from the best phone in verizon's line up
Does anyone on here use shoot me to take pics? I just have a question. Everytime I take one pic it closes. Then I have to go back in and open it and then take another and so forth. Is this how its suppose to act?

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums App

No it's actually really easy. Start ShootMe. Then go to Hide and simply shake the phone for whatever screen you want pictured. Once you are done capturing the shots, simply reload the app and select quit. Then post those bad boys in this thread. :)
Sure what part of the set up?

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums App

Oh man, I am SUCH a newbie. I just learned about launcher programs, downloaded ADW, and now the possibilities seem endless. How does anyone have time to get any work done when so much fun can be had setting up the Droid screens :).

I'm curious about other launcher programs, any other recommendations?

Here's my home screen and drawer screen as of today..but it's definitely a work in progress now.



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