Mount /system and try this command:
ln -s /data/app/*.apk /system/app/GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk
then unmount and reboot
Terminal Emulator commands? (sorry im trying to learn fast) ;-)
Is this exactly how's its supposed to be typed? thx for the patience.
No patience needed! I was in the same boat... This problem happened with Sapphire 1.1.1, and some users of Sapphire (pdroid, skull_one, shiodooru) figured out you can make a symlink to get it to work again (assuming it's the same problem, which it sure sounds like it). I'm just a messenger!
The easiest way to mount /system if you don't want to mess with the commands is to open Root Explorer, go into the /system directory, then at the top right click "Mount R/W". Then switch over to terminal emulator, type "su" and allow superuser access, then type that full line exactly how it is above. I *think* that's all you should have to do... reboot, and see if it worked.