Let me sort of squash this notion of a virus on Android platform.. it IS a possibility, yes.. but highly unlikely. First, their are only two ways a virus could get into your phone. One is via an OS update.. and that would mean that the google team themselves bundled their OS/Android platform with the virus in it. Since they are extremely specific on what goes into this, I seriously doubt this will ever happen. The other way would be installing and running an app that has some sort of native code in it that can introduce a virus at the linux kernel level of android devices. I see this as a more probable way of it happening, but still pretty unlikely.
As for downloading an android app that adds a virus to the system.. as each android app runs in its own JVM and can only access programatic pieces of other apps by specifying them in their app, the only way I see an app becoming a potential virus is if a service is running and it can intercept data from other apps.
HOWEVER, to be fair, java byte code is easily revesible. Anyone can grab the .apk file from their phone, or from a site that allows you to download the .apk files. Reverse it, put in some java code (or native code possibly), rebundle it and host it or put it up on the store. I do think tho, that google will monitor and quickly squash duplicate apps from different vendors. That is why we developers have to be a developer ID and while I haven't uploaded an app yet, I would guess that the name + my specific ID and such will keep it unique. I don't know if it's possible for different vendors to have the identical app name put up on the store. If not, then this route will be much less of a worry for viruses.
As for getting a virus via email... I would highly doubt that is possible on these devices. Unlike windows and outlook and such that allow executable apps to be run when you so much as open an email (although usually its clicking on attachments), I don't believe there is any way to run an attachment from an email on your phone. It may open up another app to read it, for example.. clicking on a pdf attachment.. and I don't even know if these phones can do that.
I am curious New2u what virus(es) you speak of or think might come up.. and what anti-virus software there is to use?