So does anyone know if this will work with the Verizon hard case that comes in the case/holster combo???
So does anyone know if this will work with the Verizon hard case that comes in the case/holster combo???
I'm trying to get an answer for this question as well. I sent an email to Seidio last night, but I have not gotten any response from them yet. If/when I do I'll post the answer.
Says these are on back order until March 16th, so I'm going to wait before I order one. I want to get a good dock that will let me keep my case on, and I just ordered Seido Case and their home dock, so hopefully this will all mesh together well. Sounds like there are some major malfunctions with the car dock, glad I haven't ordered it yet, looking forward to see how they resolve these issues, or if.
If your referring to the case w/holster made by Amzer, sold at Verizon, then I am happy to say that yes, it fits like a glove!! In both the Seidio car & home docks...
I took the plunge and ordered both without knowing for sure, but was very pleased with the results.
Especially when one can get the Amzer case/holster for 1/3 the price than the Seidio on the bay...
The best holster mount is the standard from Verizon/moto that also includes a better case protector (combined protector/holster clip is $24.95). You can get the Verizon holster/clip and if you use the Innocase protector case it will fit perfectly in the Moto holster clip.
In case you go down the Kuda car mount path, below are my sources for the various pieces...