Seidio Slim Extended Battery

Forgive me if this is an ignorant question, but is the bit of technology that prevents overcharging part of the Droid hardware, part of the operating system software, or part the battery?

In other words, will having a battery with an mAh parameter different than the OEM level, will there be any adverse affect on the Droid or the battery? (Excess heat? battery life? etc.)
Personally I think you should be grateful that at least one company is willing to go out and put time and effort into research and development into a new product (especially batteries) for our phone.

As if they are doing it out of the goodness of their heart.

The fact that you are serious makes it so freaking funny.:rofl3:
Personally I think you should be grateful that at least one company is willing to go out and put time and effort into research and development into a new product (especially batteries) for our phone.

As if they are doing it out of the goodness of their heart.

The fact that you are serious makes it so freaking funny.:rofl3:

LOL, agreed, to Pilot25 you realize that phones like the Droid are usually purchased by the 'early adopters' of the market segment. This is one of the most profitable market segments because these customers are willing to pay a premium just for the privilege of being part of the 'in crowd.' Plenty of companies either already have or are developing accessories (including batteries) for the Droid. In addition we are still (for a little while longer at least) a CAPITALIST society... "WE' do not, not should not be 'thankful' for companies developing products for us, it's the OPPOSITE, they should be thankful we live in a society where people can 1) afford these items and 2) are willing to pay for them.
I took LrdElderon's comment to mean "Be thankful you have choices, it could be worse." rather than "You should bow down and thank Seidio". In other words, some people will always find something to complain about.

Forgive me if this is an ignorant question, but is the bit of technology that prevents overcharging part of the Droid hardware, part of the operating system software, or part the battery?
Battery. Google "Li ion" -- there's plenty of info if you really want to get into it.

Seidio has officially announced they're coming out with a slim extended battery.
They did quite some time ago. There has been discussion on this topic in other existing threads.
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I asked Seidio about when we might be able to expect this an the reply was:

Thank you for contacting us at Seidioonline. However, we currently do not have any information aside than might be close to mid or end of this month.

Hopefully we should see it soon at the end of this month :)
End of the month and no update. Has anyone heard any more news? My original battery is dying it seems, only lasts about half the day with minimal use :(
Their page shows the slim extended battery for the droid is still in development. Somehow they were able to develop and release the slim extended battery for the nexus already...although the droid has been out longer and has a larger user base. Way to go seidio...:rolleyes:
So you think they're just holding out on us for fun?
So you think they're just holding out on us for fun?

considering the support and sales of other accessories they're getting from droid users you'd think they'd return the favor by looking out for us first. but no word from seidio at all, not even an eta. but who knows, maybe there was some underlying incentive to release it for the nexus first.
I know nothing at all about Sedio's manufacturing processes. However, I strongly suspect that they simply subcontract such work with battery manufacturers. Given the fact that the Nexus and Droid use different batteries, it's entirely possible that the availability of the Nexus extended battery versus that for the Droid is based solely on capacity and manufacturing options available from their vendors.
I am personally really looking forward to the slim extended battery. I figure between that and the upcoming 2.1 update which "should" improve battery life, the battery life should be pretty good then.
I am personally really looking forward to the slim extended battery. I figure between that and the upcoming 2.1 update which "should" improve battery life, the battery life should be pretty good then.

I have a sincere question: Why have I seen a couple posts from people stating that the 2.1 update will improve battery life?

In everything I've read online, I have yet to see any "somewhat official" statement regarding 2.1 and battery life. Everything I have seen about 2.1 stating that battery life will improve has been from a few random posts from forum members stating how they "hope" or "wish" or "anticipate" that battery life will be improved with 2.1.

I know this is a thread about the Seidio Slim battery, but sorry, I just had to post this.

Can someone point me to any real information about the 2.1 update improving battery life?!
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