Wireless problem solved (Battery Not)
Are you able to see your router or is it that it won't connect??
Garlick - I had to go back and flash the gapps.zip to get the google package - and once I rebooted my phone, the wireless network showed up and is working fine!
Don't know if it inherently came from the google package or if I just didn't notice it before.
Thanks for the help guys!
I'm really digging this new ROM, it's so smooth.
However, I still feel like my battery life is a little poor...any tips/suggestions? I run very few apps, I also have an installed task manager (which I'm told is not necessary, but just in case).
I don't run many apps - perhaps 2 or 3 that I have installed myself, and that's it. Also, unless I'm at home/near a power source, I don't normally bluetooth/wifi/gps/sync my phone, I feel like it's a big drain.
Will the battery just generally improve? It's still a BRAND new phone, so I'm unsure, haven't really seen evidence for/against.
This is probably getting off the ROM topic...but just in case.
Thanks guys!