Flashed 11 this morning. Seems good so far. I've toggled wifi on and off a number of times, and 3g has picked right up every time. Camera bug I ran into with 3/10 doesn't seem to be there either. But that could have been a one time thing to start with.
Sent from my XT894 using DroidForums
when you guys are flashing the daily upates are you clearing cache only or are you wiping and starting fresh each time? Think itll work updating every day and only clearing cahe and dalvik? thanks....
Also, do we need to reflash Gapps every time too? Amazing work on this rom dude, this is by far the best phone/system ive ever had and even my batt life is amazing with ics compatible juice defender, lasting like 36 hours at least on ics is the best thing ever thanks so much for all the hard work
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