

New Member
Sep 23, 2010
Reaction score
I sold out this afternoon. My wife wanted a "cute" case for her DInc, and went to the local Verizon Wireless store. While in the store I played around with a DX. Long story short, I am posting via my DX and not my old D2.

Not that anyone cares, but I traded because the keyboard slid out too easily in my pants pockets. Not a huge deal, but it was a deal breaker for me. Otherwise, it was a great phone for me.
I will never understand why someone would want to keep their cell phone in their pocket.
Lots of development going on with the X. Jrummy is getting one now.
Lots of good things to come, and it will be enjoyable to own one, regardless where you carry it.
I use my pocket for my D1... i hate belt cases... im no doctor!
I hate belt cases because I'm not Dwight Schrute.
Nice. Real nice.

Yeah, i sent this via tapatalk. You got a problem with that?
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I sold out this afternoon. My wife wanted a "cute" case for her DInc, and went to the local Verizon Wireless store. While in the store I played around with a DX. Long story short, I am posting via my DX and not my old D2.

Not that anyone cares, but I traded because the keyboard slid out too easily in my pants pockets. Not a huge deal, but it was a deal breaker for me. Otherwise, it was a great phone for me.

Carry mine in my pocket. The keyboard doesn't slide out.

If I'm wearing a tee shirt with a front pocket I'll put it there. Just got to be careful bending over. I have dropped it quite a few times and still never saw the keyboard come out.

When I pull the keyboard out I hear a little click and when I place it back I hear it then too. But oh well, enjoy your new phone.

Half the D2s that I tried out had rock solid sliders. Unfortunately, mine was sort of the in-between. Solid, but loose enough to slide out while in my pockets.

It's not as if the DX is without detractors. Less than a day, and I'm already missing the keyboard.
I've never had that problem with the keyboard sliding out. Can you ask for a different droid 2 and see if you still have the same problem. wmnomore you said there are great things to come for the droid x, what about the droid 2?
My D2 keyboard would slide out in my pocket with the first case I had. Not a problem with my new case.
mine slides out a little when I have it in my pocket but not enough to be a problem
The one time I did this I bent over in the parking lot and my D2 fell all of 12 inches and hit the concrete. Needless to say it cracked across the screen and I had to do an insurance claim.

I sold out this afternoon. My wife wanted a "cute" case for her DInc, and went to the local Verizon Wireless store. While in the store I played around with a DX. Long story short, I am posting via my DX and not my old D2.

Not that anyone cares, but I traded because the keyboard slid out too easily in my pants pockets. Not a huge deal, but it was a deal breaker for me. Otherwise, it was a great phone for me.

Carry mine in my pocket. The keyboard doesn't slide out.

If I'm wearing a tee shirt with a front pocket I'll put it there. Just got to be careful bending over. I have dropped it quite a few times and still never saw the keyboard come out.

When I pull the keyboard out I hear a little click and when I place it back I hear it then too. But oh well, enjoy your new phone.
My D2 keyboard would slide out in my pocket with the first case I had. Not a problem with my new case.

Interesting. What case are you running? I might pick up a d2 down the road.

Sent from my DROIDX