BlackBerry has its highlights. It is a great messaging device for IM, eMail, text, etc... I believe that RIM is not concerned with making the best normal consumer device, more so making a great business device that will also work to satisfy the needs of a personal device as well. I do not think that they will ever become the company that is great at both. However RIM is working on giving their devices a better browser and even working on giving a better UI for the customer to use. I think that we will start to see the fruits of their efforts in the upcoming year. But BlackBerry will always remain a BlackBerry at its core.
Android on the other hand has taken a different approach by going after the normal consumer, with some business flavoring in it. Hence the built in exchange support in Android 2.0. I believe that Android will find a happy medium in both. Google is innovative and it shows. It really amazes me how far Android has come in the short time it has been available. Now they have grown beyond basically a single carrier support we should see even a further expansion of Android capability. At a even more accelerated rate. But this is just my personal opinion. So we will see in time
Android on the other hand has taken a different approach by going after the normal consumer, with some business flavoring in it. Hence the built in exchange support in Android 2.0. I believe that Android will find a happy medium in both. Google is innovative and it shows. It really amazes me how far Android has come in the short time it has been available. Now they have grown beyond basically a single carrier support we should see even a further expansion of Android capability. At a even more accelerated rate. But this is just my personal opinion. So we will see in time