Question. Does the MIUI throttle up the cpu to kernel max? i.e. If you install a 1000mhz kernel, if need, will it use every mhz? Or will it only do the standard 600? I would like to eliminate a 3rd party app controlling this if possible. What do you think about setcpu? Keep it? or Dump it? In regards to MIUI rom only.
It doesn't do it stock, but you can easily get it to do it at boot up. Just edit the 99complete file located in "/system/etc/init.d/" and include the following lines for the value you wish to change at startup.
To change your CPU maximum:
echo "xxxxxxx" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
To change you CPU minimum:
echo "xxxxxxx" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq
To change your scaling governor:
echo "yyyyyy" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
Change the x's to be you max:
800000 = 800Mhz
900000 = 900Mhz
1000000 = 1Ghz
1100000 = 1.1Ghz
1200000 = 1.2Ghz
Change the y's to be whatever governor you wish to use (such as interactive). The default is ondemand, so if you don't include that line, that's what the governor will be.
If you need any further help with this, just let me know.
Wow, awesome tip, thanks.