Try downloading 1000 from this list.
I have not found anything more stable out there.
Just installed it. Why?
Well I was having a minor issue. When I would select Shut down, the phone either hang or instead of just shutting down it would reboot right back up as if possessed.
So I went back and forth between P3droid and Chevy and didn't cure that reboot issue After installing 6 different kernels.
So I went ahead and installed Lithium 1.25GHz Kernel and I'll be damned, when I shut down it does just that, so far so good. I'm sure my phone is gonna find something else to complain about.
And this kernel at 1.125 is just smooth. Boots fast, the logo is smooth and once in the OS, it's very smooth as compared to Chevy 1100.
So in my my particular phone, from smoothest to non working:
Lithium -smooth
chevy-a bit less smooth but works great, except didnt get rid of my reboot
P3Droid- Doesn't even run, locks up on my phone even at 800.
We'll see how long Lithium lasts in a healthy state and how long the battery lasts as min frequency is 300 :wacko: