Setting Text Message Ringtones

I'm having issues as well. And this only brings me to the Droids stock ringtones. My downloaded ringtones are located in my music section, but 'notification' settings won't allow me to choose from anywhere else but 'stock'...
Ya, same here. Why can't we assign separate ringtones for our individual incoming TEXT ringtones? You know, in the same way that we're able to assign a different ringtone for each contact on incoming PHONE calls? I'm still in the process of searching the forum for a reasonable response or solution, but nothing helpful on this thread yet......
The one thing I miss about the Blackberry OS.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Droid Forums
Try installing Handcent as a replacement for text messaging, which I believe allows individual ringtones for contacts.

I'm not sure, but perhaps Go Messenger Pro supports that as well.

There is also ChompSMS:

Just turn off notifications in the stock messaging app and then see what those apps can do.

(Just a note that I use stock and actually prefer a single text messaging ringtone; just thought I'd pass this idea along.)