Kag Pirate
While yes, Kevlar is used in both this phone and in bullet proof vests, I would be willing to be bet that not only will this phone not stop a bullet, but you could snap the backing in half with your bare hands (except for the fact that the backing doesn't come off because it has a non-removable battery). Doing a couple years worth of work with composites (Kevlar, Carbon Fiber, fiber glass) in school, I can confidnetly say that the use of Kevlar in this phone is nothing more than a PR pitching point and an aesthetic design feature.
I agree, plus a bullet (proof *) vest uses matted layers of woven Kevlar that do bend when struck by a bullet. The Kevlar is really only as strong in woven layers of opposite directions. With that said, the Razr backing more then likely has a resin mix. That mix along with the fiber makes it stronger in pulling but as Truss said more then likely will snap. The use of Kevlar could have been used to make smaller / thin parts not only lighter but strong enough.
* Stander Bullet Proof vest cannot stop rifle rounds. The .22 round depends on vest and closeness when fired. I do have first hand on testing and seeing the aftermath of tests.
Why I said all this in dropping this phone or thinking the backing is stronger then other backing could be false. I go with Truss on the PR pitching point and an aesthetic design feature.
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