Well I am a prime example, I work with Computer and Blackberries all day long, the phone before my TB was a LG 5300 flip phone, no data no email, no texting nothing....this is my first droid or smart phone of any kind and if you were needing a opinion all I can say, this has almost made my netbook obsolite!! This thing, Skype w/ video, 4 G now today, Email, printing to my HP printer at home, be able to control my home computer with it, listen to all my itunes library, store on my windows 7 computer on here, or reverse it and play movies wirelessly that are on my TB on my computer, this thing, even if needs a reboot once a day, or 3 times a week, is a great piece of art work, everyone else must have a defective one, I had mine day one off the truck at Verizon store, was there first one, no complaints here.