Thanks mjs31. I do not use the physical keyboard and I also find the droid heavy which is why I am considering the HTC. I'll see how I feel. I purchased through and they do not have the HTC yet anyway.
Really....anyone within the 30 days period would be crazy not to hold out and see what the Incredible has to offer. It is just common sense. That is if you don't want a physical keyboard..
People will argue like nothing else to defend the Droid but that fact is, these same people will have a different phone a year or so down the road. Now it may be a Droid 2, but still. Go with what works for you. There is a new phone coming out all the time. Although I personally think the Droid is the best phone on the market as of this posting, I will probably be switching. As great as it is, I am an Android OS fan overall so will continue with that, not the make/model of the phone.