I know you prolly hate HTC at the moment. But imo the Inc2 is the most dependable android phone on Verizon now. 20 hrs average battery life, no lag, stable gb (after factory reset). The only bugs are the alarm clock and HTC mail, which third party apps can be downloaded for. Also the Droid 3 and x2 still have lag even though they are dual core because of poorly written software and low ram.
sent from my inc2
From what I've been able to gather, I hear the htc devices actually have less ram for apps than the d3's new blur. Where sense uses more memory (like 200 some megs from what I hear) and moto's new blur uses much less. I could be totally wrong, but I remember seeing that somewhere. But the argument was htc had to add more ram to compensate for sense using too much memory.
Now, if we talk root and rom'ing. I'll take d3's ddr2 memory over more memory. I can't even imagine how fast this thing would be with better written software, its so fast already.
I'm still trying to find this lag people talk about on the d3. This thing is super quick.
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