What is that widget that looks like a Droidforums.net widget?
It is an RSS app/widget called FeedR. Cost a buck...Can sync with your google reader if you want...has a nice UI.
What is that widget that looks like a Droidforums.net widget?
Pure Grid Calendar, Pure Messanger, Pandora, FeedR, More Icons Widget, Weather Widget Donate, Power Widget, Google Genie, Beautiful Widgets, BatteryLife.
both of those apps Pure Grid Calendar and Pure Messenger are paid apps?
Anything free? = ) how do i get money on my android account?
How did you all get the the news and power widgets to be partly transparent?? I am rooted (2.0.1) but using no home replacement.
What stock widget is that?
what news widget is that?
Here is what I have....Beautiful Smaller home (Skin I modified), Power control, Daily Bible Verse, Music, Pandora, Mini Info, Mototorch, Genie news, music, photo gallery (all modified). and stock: oneclick, set CPU, pure Cal, and pure cal grid.
Here is what I have....Beautiful Smaller home (Skin I modified), Power control, Daily Bible Verse, Music, Pandora, Mini Info, Mototorch, Genie news, music, photo gallery (all modified). and stock: oneclick, set CPU, pure Cal, and pure cal grid.
Excellent layout...how did you glass your Pandora widget?
Here is what I have....Beautiful Smaller home (Skin I modified), Power control, Daily Bible Verse, Music, Pandora, Mini Info, Mototorch, Genie news, music, photo gallery (all modified). and stock: oneclick, set CPU, pure Cal, and pure cal grid.
Excellent layout...how did you glass your Pandora widget?
http://www.droidforums.net/forum/android-roms/17714-themed-rom-smoked-glass-w-white-clock.html can download it from this rom. I pulled mine off and made color changes to it. Here it is attached. But to get it to work I had to adb push it into the /system/app folder. It works perfectly though.
Here is a facebook widget I modified to a transparent background.