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Show your custom keyboard

If anyone is interested in a custom theme i made which has the this logo in the space bar:


with black keys and red func keys and white background you are welcome to download it from here:
This says swap Smile/Number key came in v20, but I would swear it was there before....

  • Version 24 hires lowres: Fixed: Droid/Milestone/X10 landscape kb broken due to upscaling, Alt. symbol kb. not set correctly on start input, FC on boot when using some locales, Delete last sentence tweaked
  • Version 23 hires lowres: Fixed: User dictionary broke in v22 due to changed package name. Sorry!
  • Version 22 hires lowres: New: My own package name, Fast language & keyboard switching by gestures, Settings dialog redesigned, No more .htcime on SD, all is now GUI based, Hires Clicker, Version tracking by aTrackDog. Fixed: Scale landscape KB on Droid/Milestone/X10, Add word dialog now shows kb automatically, FC on show add word dialog in landscape, Proper hires settings icon from Incredible, P and W in phone number keyboard, Workaround for back button bug in xScope browser Option: Configurable gesture actions, Show current language on start, Kill keyboard from settings, Disable voice button also for English, Use phone keypad / compact qwerty symbol kb for QWERTY, Toggle accept dict. suggestion by space, Toggle accept dict. suggestion by separators, Volume keys for dpad up/down, Gesture: Delete last sentence, Move to end of word, Cycle language, Cycle keyboard types
  • Version 21 hires lowres: Options: Move cursor with volume keys, Move Scandinavian popup chars closer to pressed key Fixed: More swipe detection tuning, Less laggy sound and vibration feedback with swiping enabled, Space insert more robust
  • Version 20 hires lowres: Options: Swipe up for shift, Swipe while composing a word (dict. showing), Swap Smiley/12# button, Insert word entered in add word dialog into edited text. Fixed: Swiping more robust, Long press on symbol key now working again, Tweaked candidate bar height calculation (Droid 2.1), Improved HTC popup timer when lag is detected (HTC bad design), Android smiley is :-\ and not :-/ , Bug in landscape autocompletion (gmail compose etc.), Autocap issues in certain cases (blame HTC :-P), Better handling of (pseudo) multi touch events (easier to press space and periods etc. more quickly)
  • Version 19 hires lowres:Lowres!, Options: Clear user dictionary, Swipe down to hide keyboard, Swipe left to delete last word, Character replacement (can remove diacritic chars), Custom smileys. Changed: Import/export of user dictionary is now threaded, Pipe key added to qwerty symbol keyboard, Fixed voice hack was enabled by default even if disabled in settings
  • Version 18: Changed: Hid HTC hidden settings again (caused too much trouble). Option: Smiley button instead of hide kb button, Custom vibration length, Toggle smiley dashes. Fixed: User dictionary editor no longer FC's on modaco custom rom, Word candidate bar now works on Droid 2.1
  • Version 17: Option: Toggle prediction on/off for single line browser forms
  • Version 16: Fixed: space insertion is now disabled for password fields with compact qwerty & phone keypad, Prediction cache was not emptied in some cases resulting in weird behavior when starting input next time (prediction continued where you left off last input)
  • Version 15: Fixed URL KB space hack caused FC on slash key in compact qwerty and phone keypad
  • Version 14: Option: Disable automatic adding to user dictionary, custom popup delay for secondary characters, swipe right for voice input, toggle space insertion after separators, access hidden HTC internal settings (control vibrator etc. TAKE CARE IN HERE!), prediction in URL fields, disable key preview popup. Fixed: cleaned up settings dialog a bit, deleting voice text by back space now works again, space insertion is now always disabled in some fields (browser URL etc. caused problems). New: My own (experimental!) hard keyboard mapping code (enables space in URL for hard KB, removes need for QWERTZ hack etc.), apk version now shows my version instead of HTC's version (smoother upgrades, more logical), Import/export user dictionary, Can now enter any character into user dictionary (HTC just allowed letters and digits)
  • Version 13: Option: left align word candidate list. Fixed: experimental Droid 2.1 landscape support, more robust period insertion on space double tap, rare FC when moving the candidate list (HTC bug), typing " I'm " with compact qwerty (HTC bug), FC when clicking on disabled T9 toggle button (HTC bug), better compatibility between space insertion and smileys, User dictionary is no longer a pain to manage due to scrolling (consequence of HTC incompetence, learn how to use ListViews and Adapters guys!)
  • Version 12: Fixed rotation issues in some apps (ie Terminal). T9/ABC setting is now remembered when switching between letter/number views (HTC's bug, not mine)
  • Version 11: Fixed saving position of word suggestion list (a typo caused the same value to be used for all orientations). Fixed auto cap in browser with physical keyboard.
  • Version 10: Many new options (see feature list). Fixes: voice input in all keyboards, voice input didn't capitalize correctly, "speak now" dialog showing to early, prediction not showing for passwords anymore, auto capitalization for T9/compact QWERTY now works in browser, smoother movement of word suggestion list, settings button showed "EN" (now scaled icon from lowres), Landscape now works on Droid (with resolution related glitches)
  • Version 9: Fixed the screwed up enter key in v8. Added experimental voice server settings. For German to work you will have to use the alternative server.
  • Version 8: Added custom word candidates bar. Fixed wacky SHIFT key. Word candidate list position now remembered. Configurable in settings dialog. Added some Extras to voice input Intent copied from stock KB (missed earlier). One step closer to Droid landscape support.
  • Version 7: Fixed compatibility with Terminal Emulator in CyanogenMod, KB going haywire in CoPilot and word candidate list shows to low (hid active input field sometimes like in stock messaging app). Lowered android:minSdkVersion from 7 to 3. This could mean stock Droid support, but don't complain when it FC's on Cupcake
  • Version 6: Tweaks to the sentence auto capitalization code. Should now work in most web browser forms such as the message composer on this forum. Tweaked enter key behavior a bit.
  • Version 5: Show voice input button for all languages instead of EN button in all keyboards that uses the same layouts as the English ones. To fix this in all other layouts, modding binary XML is required. I need help with that. Voice input seems to use your current locale if supported, and English as fallback.
  • Version 4: New voice input control logic that doesn't break Google Voice search. Changed voice processing URL from dev server to stock keyboard settings.
  • Version 3: Fixed FC in User Dictionary editor. Fixed HTC not obeying EditorInfo.imeOption flag flagNoEnterAction (caused two sends in stock messaging app)
  • Version 2: Fixed FC in user database
  • Version 1: Initial release featuring language settings hack with .htcime and dictionary support in web browser forms. Tested on N1. Clicker is low res for now.
And the gimpsta custom generated keyboard site keep sgetting better and better!!


New changes...

Latest Additions:

4/26/2010 Added ability to choose any color for background!

4/27/2010 Added 1 new key style (green desire) and about 20 spacebar symbols (created by you guys!)

4/27/2010 Added option to preview keyboard before generating it! Note, this is as close as I can come to a real preview but may not be exact.

4/27/2010 Added option to see/reuse all skins you have generated!

4/27/2010 Added option to see/reuse last 25 skins anyone has generated!
Mad Props for this thread and keyboard generator!!!!! By far the easiest and best customization tool I have found

Thanks Thanks Thanks
i would show off my keyboards but im not rooted and dont have any other camera to take a screenshot with.

and gimpsta's site is frikkin fantastic. All it needs now is to be able to select any color you want for the primary keys and the secondary keys and be able to set a custom keyboard background..then it would be killer. Best addition to my DROID by far.
Gimpsta has the new V25 Keyboard on his site now.. has a few new options and seems a lot faster. He also added custom background option for the keyboards!

V25 Changelog

* 25
* New: Move lang. specific popup chars closer to pressed key (help me support more langs!)
* Option: Replace chars only for SMS
* Option: Custom domains for .com key
* Option: Insert period on double space
* Option: Toggle accept dict. suggestion by 12# key
* Option: Configurable custom sounds
* Option: Change language with volume keys
* Option: Adjust portrait QWERTY key width
* Changed: Delete last sentence breaks on comma again.
* Fixed: Space insertion disabled for URI fields (causing problems)
* Fixed: Space insertion tweaked for French
* Fixed: Removed Romanian since not working (blame HTC)
* Fixed: Don't insert space if prediction is disabled in browser
* Fixed: Predict in URL working again.
* Fixed: Sound for HW KB working again
* Gesture: Toggle QWERTY prediction on/off
Couldn't resist using the "Pyramid" background for my custom background with the new v25 version..

it matches the wallpaper on your phone

Close enough, it is the Pyramid Wallpaper and I use the stock Droid Neural network LWP...but with my lousy eyes I can't tell the diff from what little bit shows :-)

Those guys have done an amazing job with the custom keyboard site, Kudos to them!
I have a black and blue lettered v 24 keyboard on my Droid and love it. just this morning I found the xt9 option for the upright keyboard. it uses 2letters per key and its so easy one handed.

my question is about my friends older G1. we tried installing one of them on his, since I saw somewhere that its for 1.6 and above and it wouldn't work at all. any ideas one one for his?