Hey everyone, I'll be at a family event later on this evening and there lies friends and family that likes to show off their gadgets or w.e. they are proud of at the moment.
I plan on joining the fun with the droid:icon_ banana: but I have no idea where to even start. :icon_eek:
Alot of people are always asking me "Is this better than G1? What can this do that stands out from the iphone or the G1?" This is my very first android phone and I started off with a regular nextel phone i had for about 8 yrs then switched to the nextels new blackberry that came out last year (which to me seemed to be a bb jr) now im a proud owner of the droid. But I don't know the answers to these simple I SHOULD KNOW questions
I have TONSSSSSS of apps but I have no idea whats EXCLUSIVE to the moto droid vs. G1 and the Iphone.
I was thinking of showing off Torrent-FU, Phonemypc, google goggles, and Home++
Anyone have any suggestions or could help me out with the "What can the droid do the G1/Iphone cant?"
Thank you