Plus the Vzw battery is bigger and at $37.95 about $12 cheaper too.:icon_ banana:jbjtkbw00, please specifically identify which extended battery gave you 30-40% more "jump" (whatever that means).Sorry, I really like my extended battery. I got a 30-40% jump in battery, which is just what I needed since I use the phone so much. Got it while on a trip back to Rochester, NY (as I drove up from Florida), and it made a heck of a difference. Plus, I can still use my accessories with my phone.
Bottom line, the value of it will be based on your usage, so you may need to try for yourself. Return it if you don't like it.
The offical Extended battery available from Verizon (model number BH6X). It's a 1930 mAh extended version. Picked it up from a VZW store.
BECAUSE I officially hate Seidio products now.